ABA Statement on the Safety of Energy Drinks

Posted Apr. 26, 2017

In response to the recent study on energy drinks the American Beverage Association issued the following statement:

“Energy drinks have been safely consumed by people around the world for more than 25 years and nothing in this study of just 18 people refutes the safety of these products or their ingredients. In fact, many of the ingredients in energy drinks, such as B vitamins and taurine, are found naturally in many foods. It is also important to note that the raised blood pressure reported in this study was minimal – similar to what is experienced when climbing a flight of stairs – and, the researchers themselves say the results of the study are ‘not alarming.’

The fact remains that energy drinks have been extensively studied and confirmed safe for consumption by government safety authorities worldwide including a recent review by the European Food Safety Authority. America’s leading energy drink manufacturers voluntarily go beyond all federal requirements when it comes to responsible labeling and marketing practices, including displaying total caffeine content – from all sources – on their packages.”