Beverage Industry Responds To Study On Added Sugar Intake And Cardiovascular Diseases Mortality

February 3, 2014

“This study shows that adult consumption of added sugars has actually declined, as recently reported by the CDC.  A significant part of that reduction is from decreased added sugars from beverages due, in part, to our member companies’ ongoing innovation in providing more low- and no-calorie options.  Furthermore, this is an observational study which cannot – and does not – show that cardiovascular disease is caused by drinking sugar-sweetened beverages.” 

American Beverage Association Statement on Consumer Reports Study on 4-MEI

January 23, 2014

“First and foremost, consumers can rest assured that our industry's beverages are safe. Contrary to the conclusions of Consumer Reports, FDA has noted there is no reason at all for any health concerns, a position supported by regulatory agencies around the world.  In fact, FDA has noted that a consumer ‘would have to drink more than a thousand cans of soda in a day to match the doses administered in studies that showed links to cancer in rodents.’ However, the companies that make caramel coloring for our members' soft drinks are now producing it to contain less 4-MEI, and nationwide use of this new caramel coloring is underway.”

Low- And No-Calorie Beverages Repeatedly Shown To Be An Effective Tool For Weight Loss And Weight Maintenance

January 16, 2014

“Diet beverages have been shown to be an effective tool as part of an overall weight management plan.  Numerous studies have repeatedly demonstrated the benefits of diet beverages – as well as low-calorie sweeteners, which are in thousands of foods and beverages – in helping to reduce calorie intake. Losing or maintaining weight comes down to balancing the total calories consumed with those burned through physical activity.”

American Beverage Association Statement on JAMA Study on School Nutrition Standards

January 13, 2014

“The U.S. Department of Agriculture has already developed national standards for all foods and beverages in schools that take effect in July 2014, which largely follow the voluntary guidelines implemented by our industry in 2010. These guidelines, which our industry is proud to have developed in partnership with the William J. Clinton Foundation and the Alliance for a Healthier Generation, removed full-calorie soft drinks from schools and replaced them with more lower-calorie, smaller-portion beverage options. As a result of this initiative, independent, published studies showed that 90 percent fewer beverage calories were shipped to schools between 2004-2005 and 2009-10.”

Aspartame Safety Reaffirmed Once Again By European Food Safety Authority

December 10, 2013

“We are pleased with today’s opinion from the European Food Safety Authority confirming – once again – that aspartame is safe for consumption by the general population, including pregnant women.  This opinion, which is based on one of the most comprehensive risk assessments of aspartame to-date, further supports decades of scientific research as well as the positions of regulatory agencies around the globe, including FDA. Furthermore, these experts concluded that aspartame does not cause cancer, harm the brain or nervous system or affect behavior or cognitive function in children or adults.”

American Beverage Association Responds to Research on Soda Sales

December 9, 2013

“Our member companies offer a wide variety of product choices, portion sizes and calorie counts, and continue to innovate with more choices to meet evolving consumer needs. Our industry believes in the soft drink business and sees opportunity for continued innovation and growth. Beyond soft drinks, our companies also offer ready-to-drink teas and coffees, water, sports drinks, juices and more.”

American Beverage Association Responds to Paper on Energy Drinks and Heart Function

December 2, 2013

“The fact remains that most mainstream energy drinks contain only about half the caffeine of a similar size cup of coffeehouse coffee. Caffeine is a safe ingredient and is consumed every day in a wide variety of foods and beverages, including energy drinks which have been enjoyed safely by millions of people for nearly three decades. Also, this paper, which looks at only 18 adults, has not been peer-reviewed or published.”

Study on Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Consumption and Endometrial Cancer Risk Does Not Show Causality

November 22, 2013

“This study does not show that sugar-sweetened beverage consumption causes endometrial cancer.  In fact, its findings conflict with the results of several other published studies that showed no association between consumption of sugar and risk for endometrial cancer.  The Mayo Clinic states common risk factors as changes in female hormones, older age, obesity, and inherited genetic conditions – not sugar or beverage consumption.  Moreover, the study only measured dietary behaviors at the very beginning of the study, yet makes conclusions about health outcomes over 12 years.”

American Beverage Association Celebrates America Recycles Day

November 15, 2013

On America Recycles Day, the non-alcoholic beverage industry reaffirms its longstanding commitment to further minimizing its environmental impact, and is making it easier for consumers to do the same. “From our 100 percent recyclable packaging to our efforts to minimize waste and support recycling programs, our industry is leading the way and doing our part to reduce our environmental impact,” said Susan Neely, American Beverage Association president and CEO.  “Ours is an industry standing together in pursuit of solutions to environmental challenges in communities throughout America.”

American Beverage Association Statement on Athlete Endorsements in Food Marketing Study

October 7, 2013

“America's beverage companies have a longstanding commitment to responsible advertising and marketing practices, including not directing advertising to audiences comprised predominantly of children under 12. This study, in fact, reaffirms that children younger than 12 are not the age group primarily viewing food- and beverage-related advertisements that include professional athletes. Our industry offers consumers a variety of choices to help make informed decisions and we respect parents’ roles as the primary decision makers in choosing what their children consume.”