We hope you read our post when we recently blogged about how 69 percent of Americans oppose a soda ban.  And we’re guessing you heard about the recently passed Mississippi law that would make illegal any attempt to limit its residents’ rights to choose their own food or drink.

Well, Wisconsin is the latest state to formally reject the idea of a soda ban. On Sunday, the state budget was signed into law.  The law prevents local governments from regulating portion sizes of foods and non-alcoholic beverages sold in retail establishments.

We’re glad to see lawmakers standing up for their constituents’ freedom of choice.  It’s not the government’s responsibility to tell the people what to eat or drink. Educating consumers will always be more impactful than restricting what people can or can’t eat or drink.  That’s why our industry is doing its part to provide more beverage options, as well as clear and useful information for consumers.  Click here to learn more!