We here at Sip & Savor came across a few news clips that we thought we’d share with our readers who are interested in what we’ve been writing about the soda ban ruling in New York City.

In a recent editorial, The New York Times called the soda ban “ill conceived and poorly constructed from the start.”

And the New York Post wrote the following in an editorial:

“The ‘ban’ would have applied to ‘some but not all food establishments,’ allowed unlimited refills and exempted some drinks with more calories than those that became outlawed…With all these contradictions, the only purpose such a ban would serve would be to inconvenience New Yorkers, make sugared soda more expensive and create a new revenue stream for the city from fines on food establishments.”

At the time we wrote this post, 88 percent of those surveyed for a Wall Street Journal reader poll said that they agreed with Justice Tingling’s ruling that the soda ban is invalid.  What do you think?