Oftentimes, media outlets latch on to the scientific study of the day, many of which focus on our industry's products and ingredients.  In fact, quite a few of the studies that get mainstream attention tend to be the ones that allege negative health outcomes associated with certain beverage ingredients.  We've heard them all - from tooth decay to gout, diabetes to kidney stones. Today, we thought we'd share some ingredient safety facts with our Sip & Savor readers.

One ingredient in the food supply that often finds itself in the news is caffeine, which is present in many soft drinks, ready-to-drink teas and energy drinks.  Despite some alleged concerns, caffeine has been proven safe for human consumption and has been a part of the human diet for more than 100 years.  We do recognize that some people are caffeine-sensitive, however.  That's why many of our member companies also make a variety of non-caffeinated beverage options.

Another ingredient securing headlines now and again is low-calorie sweeteners. Whether to maintain weight, help manage diabetes or simply because you enjoy the taste, low-calorie sweeteners offer consumers yet another way to enjoy their favorite beverages.  As with caffeine, low-calorie sweeteners also have been tested extensively are are completely safe.  Numerous studies validate their safety, and they have obtained approval from regulatory agencies around the world, including the World Health Organization, U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).  And in 2007, a literature review of the low-calorie sweetener aspartame by an expert panel including some of the world’s leading toxicologists also evaluated the ingredient’s safety at current levels of consumption and once again confirmed that it is safe.

And finally, high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). This liquid sweetener is made from corn and is similar to sucrose - or table sugar - in composition.  In fact, both HFCS and sucrose are processed by the body in essentially the same way - both are broken down into the simple sugars glucose and fructose during digestion.

So it's important to remember that beverage ingredients are safe.  After all, our industry is committed to its consumers - and our top priority is to ensure the quality and safety of our products through rigorous food safety procedures.

Please visit our Products Issue Site or Beverage Ingredient sections for more detailed information on what goes into our products.