Did you know that U.S. schoolchildren spend anywhere from 3 to 6 hours a day in school about 180 days a year depending on the state and grade, according to the Education Commission of the States?  That’s between 900 and 1,000 hours a year that children and teens are in a place where they are making choices about a wide range of things – including what to eat and drink.

We recognize that schools are unique places - and that parents need our support to help their children make choices about what to eat and drink during the school day (especially younger children).  That is why America’s beverage companies have long been committed to the health and wellness of our nation’s children.  In fact, our leadership initiatives are having a real impact in schools across the country.

With our national School Beverage Guidelines, we voluntarily removed full-calorie sodas from schools and replaced them with more lower-calorie and smaller-portion options.  This effort helped drive a 90 percent reduction in beverage calories shipped to schools.

Our member companies continue to offer real solutions to help consumers make the choice that’s right for them and their families.  For more information on ways the beverage industry is helping make it easier for people to choose a beverage that is right for them, check out DeliveringChoices.org.