We at Sip & Savor know that in the midst of today's economic downturn people are struggling to make ends meet.  That's one of the reasons why the ABA has been working so hard to fight taxes on the beverages in people’s grocery carts.

But even as families' budgets shrink and belts tighten, it's still summer out there.  And with summer, we hope there will still be a little time for fun.  Sip & Savor is here to remind you that there are myriad low-cost opportunities to get away from it all by visiting America's national and state parks.  In fact, the United States park system provides tons of activities - swimming, boating, hiking and fishing to name a few - all for next to nothing.

Many, especially state parks, are located very close to major cities.  And a good number of them allow camping and have cabin rental as well, so you don't need to be an RV enthusiast to take part in the adventure.  The National Park Service Web site is a great way to locate a park near you. We hope you'll get out there and enjoy the great outdoors this summer!