Here at Sip & Savor, we spend a lot of time working to educate policymakers, media and others about high fructose corn syrup - commonly referred to as HFCS.  We’re not alone in that effort.  Over the last few years, the Corn Refiners Association (CRA) has worked diligently to do the same, with public education campaigns and the like.  Now, CRA has entered the social media realm, utilizing Facebook and Twitter to further their reach in an effort to share the facts about this common caloric sweetener which is similar in composition to table sugar.

We applaud CRA for taking this leap into direct media.  Almost two years ago, the American Beverage Association took a bold step by launching this blog. Then, a little less than a year ago, we ramped up our presence on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.  We’ve found that these new mediums allow us to reach a broader audience – and sometimes different audience - than traditional methods. In fact, just today Facebook announced it had reached 500 million users around the globe! In honor of this milestone, you can read some fun facts about Facebook here.

In the same way that the industry we represent constantly strives to innovate to give consumers what they want, we’re working hard to stay on the cutting-edge of technology (which can be a hard thing to do in this fast-paced world) to give people the information, and the facts, that they want and need.  So check us out - follow us on Facebook or Tweet us.  And be sure to check out the Corn Refiners Association as well!