On these hot August days it’s particularly important to remember to recycle inside and outside your home and wherever you are--at a concert, the ballpark or in your own backyard. No matter where you go, our convenient portable beverage containers can go with you. And please don’t forget: they’re 100 percent recyclable.

We at Sip & Savor notice in our backyard the Coca-Cola/ Waste Management Fan Cans found throughout Nationals Park and the PepsiCo Dream Machine recycling bins on street corners in downtown Washington, D.C.  These are but two examples of what our member companies are doing in communities across the country to make it easier for Americans enjoying their favorite beverage to recycle those containers.

As our member companies continue to seek ways to further reduce their environmental footprint, we also encourage you to recycle – please “Think Inside the Bin” wherever your summer trails take you.