We're a fun, optimistic industry - as Sip & Savor is wont to remind its readers. After all, we make beverages meant to put a smile on your face and add refreshment to your day.

So when we come about a good news story, we're going to share it. The story may not directly have anything to do with the beverage industry. But it has a lot to do with our industry's attitude and culture. We're about people - and bringing a little joy to their life.

And America certainly needs some good news nowadays; especially later today when the unemployment numbers come out. We know the good news is out there. It's just sometimes hard to find with most media focused on the troubled economy, all-crime-all-the-time, and picking their fight of the day (enough with this Rush Limbaugh stuff, already. Don't we have bigger problems to deal with?)

Today, we bring you a story from Wisconsin about a kind-hearted deer hunter who was there for a teary-eyed young woman who had bagged a trophy prize this past season. But her boyfriend wouldn't believe her; thus, he wouldn't come help her track and collect her 17-point buck. For those not familiar with deer hunting - 17 points is a big one.

Then along comes a kind-hearted young man, who was down on his luck all hunting week, to help her out. We won't ruin the story, but when you get to the end - we're taking the odds that the boyfriend now has "ex" in that name.

Enjoy. And please send Sip & Savor any stories you come across of people doing good by each other. Those random acts of kindness that make this country so special.