Here at Sip & Savor, we try to provide our readers with information on a variety of topics in the health and wellness arena. Since today is March 1, we wanted to take note that it is National Nutrition Month. Sponsored by the American Dietetic Association (ADA), the National Nutrition Month campaign highlights the importance of staying informed about food options and incorporating physical activity in a variety of ways.

One element of the campaign focuses on product labeling and the significance of packaging terms. After all, as a consumer, it’s important to understand what information is readily available to you at your fingertips. With this in mind, America's non-alcoholic beverage companies are coming together to make the calories in their products even more clear and consumer-friendly by putting the information on the front of all their packages, as well as company-controlled vending machines and fountain machines.

So take some time this month to check out the ADA's Web site, including quizzes, advice and reading materials.