We recently came across this letter to the editor in the Queens Chronicle written by Stephen B. Kaufman, president of the Throggs Neck Merchant Association and a former city councilman and state assemblyman from the Bronx.  Kaufman comments on the need for meaningful solutions to address the obesity issue in New York.  His approach is common sense and certainly worth a read.  Here’s an excerpt:

“Does this city, like the rest of America, have an obesity problem? Of course it does. But why are we pointing fingers at one particular product? Why are we assuming that every individual who opts to purchase a large size of that product has a weight problem? And why are we instituting a ban that will likely have a detrimental effect on New York’s merchant community at a time when our economy is just creeping back from the brink?”

You can read the rest of his letter to the editor on the Queens Chronicle website.  Let us know what you think by checking in with us on Facebook and Twitter.