It seems every other week (or day) a new study is released claiming a new absurdity about soda and other sugar-sweetened beverages.

Soft drinks may cause Narcolepsy among snake charmers…

Sugar-sweetened beverages cause drowning if you drink more than 50 12 oz. cans per day…

Bat Boy claims soda aliens abducted his mother…

We made those headlines up, but you’ve seen enough crazy studies to know that it’s time to clear things up. So that’s what we’re doing.

Sugar-sweetened beverages are a hot topic. And the conversation is full of opinions and myths, but not enough facts. America’s beverage companies created a new website called Let’s Clear It Up to clear a few things up about the products we make. is where you can sort out the facts versus the myths about soda. Here’s an example:

MYTH: The obesity epidemic can be reversed if people stop drinking soda.

FACT: Sugar-sweetened beverages account for only 7% of calories in the average American's diet, according to government data. Here’s more information.

So read on. Learn. And share the clarity.