Today marks the only American holiday dedicated to the U.S. flag.  The tradition began 125 years ago when BJ Cigrand, a Wisconsin schoolteacher, first declared June 14 "Flag Day" or "Flag Birthday." Cigrand had his students celebrate the day by waving American flags in the streets.  For many years the holiday was observed on this smaller scale - children, schools and towns getting together to proudly wave the colors of "Old Glory."

It was nearly 60 years later, in 1949, when President Truman signed the official declaration making June 14 America's Flag Day.  And it was about 55 years after that the American Beverage Association, after a name change, incorporated the stars and stripes into its logo as part of a re-branding.

We at Sip & Savor are proud of the red, white and blue that represent America and the freedom she provides.  Without it, the young entrepreneurs who started the companies that make our industry what it is would never have had the chance to make great beverages for a thirsty public.  Today and all days, we salute the U.S. flag and all for which she stands.  Happy Flag Day, America!