The best part of school ending is that it leads to new beginnings. This is particularly true when the school year ends in a graduation. Well, that time of year is upon us.

In the coming weeks, tens of thousands of high school seniors will be saying goodbye to their classmates and alma maters and heading on to new adventures, whether at universities, technical colleges, the military or directly into the workforce.

It truly is a time of celebration: for the students who worked so hard and for the parents and loved ones who helped guide them on the journey. We hope you take the time to celebrate. And we hope you do it safely. Don't put at risk that bright future by partying irresponsibly and ending the night in tragedy. Be smart - after all, you've just completed 12 years of quality education.

As you celebrate, we also hope it's not just over what you've already accomplished. We hope you celebrate the great journey that lies ahead for you. That's where the real excitement lies. Congratulations graduates and best wishes on your next endeavor.

(And don't forget to thank your parents! As well as your teachers and other loved ones who helped make your achievement possible.)