Last year the Mercatus Center at George Mason University published a paper breaking down the idea of soda taxes with common sense analysis and research. The report found that even a 20 percent tax increase on soft drinks would decrease the Body Mass Index of an obese person by just 0.02, an amount not even measurable on  a bathroom scale!

This is clear evidence that the recent tax proposals in a handful of states and cities across the country have less to do with public health and more to do with budget shortfalls. Taxes do not make people healthier.  And singling out one product as the cause of a complex health issue like obesity is misleading. A balanced diet and regular exercise are the most effective ways to combat obesity and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

If you have a few moments, please check out one of our blog posts from earlier this year that explores the pitfalls of soda taxes.

And, have a happy and healthy Independence Day weekend!