Today, we want to share another story that recognizes the problems with a study seemingly published only to create alarm. This Forbes Magazine article “Is Soda A Smoking Gun For Teen Violence – Or Just Statistical Illiteracy?” expresses concern over a survey analysis alleging teens who drink soda are more likely to carry a weapon and perpetrate violence that was recently published in the British journal Injury Prevention. The media went wild over the eye-grabbing headline potential of such a sensational study.  Here at Sip & Savor, we wrote about the importance of reading beyond those headlines. However, the article reports that, of the many articles released on the study, not one of them recognizes its substantial flaws.

The study lacks scientific evidence, fails to prove cause and effect of drinking soda and perpetrating violence, factors out essential considerations such as socio-economic status, and surveys too small a sample and in only one demographic.  Even one of the authors, speaking to ABCNews after the release, backpedaled on their conclusion stating “there’s no reason to think that drinking soda causes teens to be violent.”

Beyond creating a stir in the headlines, this study has accomplished little else.  So, once again – we encourage our readers to get the full story before rushing to conclusions.  Check out our website for more information, and be sure to check back in with us!