This can certainly be the case when it comes to energy drinks. To help clear up some misconceptions surrounding these drinks we wanted to share the facts:
- Energy drinks have been sold and safely consumed for several decades and are available in more than 170 countries.
- A typical 16-oz energy drink contains 160 mg of caffeine. That’s about half the caffeine of a similar-sized cup of coffeehouse coffee, which typically has about 330 mg caffeine per 16-oz. - or approximately 20 mg of caffeine per ounce.
- American Beverage Association member companies – which represent 95 percent of the energy drinks sold in the U.S. -- go above and beyond mandatory requirements by complying with the ABA Guidance for the Responsible Labeling and Marketing of Energy Drinks.
- Caffeine is caffeine, regardless of the source. Whether naturally occurring in coffee, tea or chocolate, or added to beverages like soda and energy drinks, it’s the same ingredient.
- Energy drink labels contain a wealth of information for consumers. Leading energy drinks voluntarily disclose the total quantity of caffeine – from all sources – on a per can/bottle basis.
To learn more about energy drinks, visit