You may stumble upon a news story this week about diet soda and low-calorie sweeteners. Before you believe everything you read in the headlines, we thought we would arm you with some important facts – based on decades of scientific research – about low-calorie sweeteners.

First, low-calorie sweeteners are safe. They are some of the most studied and reviewed ingredients in the food supply today, and their safety is supported by regulatory agencies throughout the world, such as the European Food Safety Authority and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, as well as some of the world’s leading toxicologists.

Second, low-calorie sweeteners can be beneficial in weight loss and weight management, a position supported by leading health groups, including the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and American Diabetes Association.

Finally, the study referenced in this week’s latest and greatest science-by-headline is not even a scientific study. It is an opinion piece. And in its author’s opinion, it is okay to mislead you, the reader, by including only studies that support the author’s hypothesis, conveniently failing to include a number of scientific studies that support the facts.

The bottom line is that consumers should have complete confidence in low-calorie sweeteners. To learn more, visit