Time is running out, and you still don’t have a gift for the uncle/cousin/friend-in-law who has everything. What to do, what to do? We have one word for you: Pinterest.

Pinterest has helped us here at Sip & Savor find unique gifts for friends and family. For instance, let’s say your family picks names out of a hat for the annual Christmas exchange. You picked Uncle Bob, but he has everything. Making it harder on you is the fact that Uncle Bob doesn’t have many hobbies. It snows where he lives, so no point buying him golf balls this time of year.  And the only thing you’re certain he really likes is bacon. Well, you’re in luck. Go to Pinterest and type the words “bacon gift” in the search engine. Shazam! You just found the perfect gift for Uncle Bob – bacon marmalade.

Perhaps you’re looking for a holiday mocktail for Christmas Eve. Pinterest has that, too. The S’more Mocktail is a fun treat for kiddos: chocolate milk with marshmallow crème, topped with crunchy graham crackers.

So, don’t stress! There are plenty of ideas from pinners all around the world to help you with your last-minute plans this season.