We at Sip & Savor thought you might be interested in the great work happening in Knoxville, Tenn.  The city has recently launched a recycling program called "Do Your Part with the Cart" – an initiative that will provide the option of curbside recycling services to residents.  Carts for recyclables are provided to households at no cost, and, to make it even more convenient, residents do not have to sort any of the materials!  More than 14,500 homes have already registered for the program, and more are joining up every day.

In addition to ensuring that bottles, cans and cardboard don’t end up as trash or litter, recycling provides many benefits to the environment and our communities.  “Do Your Part with the Cart” is a great example of a simple program that has great potential for major impact, and we at Sip & Savor would like to congratulate the City of Knoxville for doing its part.

So, even if you aren’t living in Knoxville, we hope you’ll remember to recycle your beverage containers and other products.