This week the New York City Board of Health will vote on Mayor Bloomberg’s proposal to ban the sale of soft drinks over 16 ounces in restaurants, movie theatres, sports venues, and coffee shops. An unelected Board of Health will make this important decision without involving elected city council members or taking into consideration the over 240,000 New Yorkers who have joined the coalition to oppose cup size restrictions.

As Thursday approaches, New Yorkers are speaking out against the ban in greater and greater numbers. And, importantly, they are encouraging their council members to do the same. If you have friends or family living in the city of New York, please ask them to take a stand for freedom today. They can write their city council member and ask them to voice their opposition to this power grab by the unelected Board of Health.

For more information on what you can do to make your voice heard, visit the New Yorkers for Beverage Choices coalition website and connect on Facebook.