Many of us think of Memorial Day as simply a day out of the office, perhaps a day to hang out at the beach, have a cook-out with friends and family, or enjoy our favorite beverages - alcoholic or not, whichever you prefer as long as it is in moderation.  But we often lose sight of what today is really all about:  commemorating American men and women who have died while in military service.

So however you choose to do so, take some time to pay tribute to those who have fought for our freedom both here and abroad.  We at Sip & Savor have the privilege of having many monuments to honor our fallen soldiers right here in our own backyard - from the World War II Memorial to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, commonly known as The Memorial Wall, to the Korean War Veterans Memorial and more.  We can attest that all will have an influx of visitors today as many make a pilgrimage to the nation's capitol to pay their respects. If you'd like to learn more about Memorial Day observances taking place throughout the District of Columbia, you can visit the National Park Service Web site.