The plastic bottles that our industry uses for its products are 100 percent recyclable. In fact, Sip & Savor likes to boast that the beverage industry is one of just a handful whose products are fully recyclable.

Now, an ambitious adventurer is putting a bold face on the recyclability of plastic containers, also known as PET.

David de Rothschild is building a sailboat of which 90 percent is made from plastic bottles, mostly 2-liter bottles. He then plans to sail his boat from San Francisco to Sydney, Australia - an 11,000-mile journey.

And when his journey is complete, de Rothschild plans to recycle his sailboat. One of his goals from this adventure is to showcase "cradle-to-cradle" products like plastic bottles, which can be recycled into new products such as new containers, winter jackets, tables, chairs....sailboats.

When it comes to our products' containers - whether they are plastic, aluminum or glass - we ask consumers to Think Inside the Bin and recycle them. Because when we recycle, we save natural resources, energy and the environment. Together, we can make a difference one bottle and can at a time.

Sail safely, David. We're going to have to find one heck of a big recycle bin in Sydney.